~~~~~~~~~~~ LUNA'S BEGINNINGS ~~~~~~~~~~~


Day 10
~just outside the city of Neverwinter

It's cold again, dernit. Guess that's no surprise, been cold longer than it should be. I suppose Da and the Mayor were right about there being some magical things happening in the realm (no doubt due to some evil folk). And I suppose Da was right too, that I should be the one from the family to head out to that Big Folks' city called Neverwinter (ha, there's a name for ya) and find out what's been going on...."now that you're an adult my little sprout". Tho' now that I'm an adult (did I really finally turn 30?) I guess I'm not the little sprout anymore. What was Ma thinking waiting 20 years to have my brothers?!

Ah well. Da thinks I'll have fun, "being the more outgoing and charming one in the family". He's a homebody anyway, so I guess he's quite content to stay at home and watch out for Ma and the boys. I just hope that I can help find out what's been going on in the land. Life in the burrow has become a bit sparse...no green trees for Da to make his furniture from, and Gran's garden is looking a bit frozen. And all the mushrooms, all the delicate, lovely, tasty mushrooms that used to grow in Ma's little field....all gone because of the nasty snow and cold weather. Good thing Da had stored up on the ales and such or things would really be miserable. Not that I'm there to enjoy those ales. Ah, there's nothing like sitting in front of the fire drinking one of Da's ales, and munching on Ma's sweetbread.

But, Da gave me the duty to find out what's been going on, to journey out here and mingle with the Big Folk. So, I'm off to Neverwinter, to learn more about being a fighter, and hopefully I'll get back home with lots of stories to tell (wouldn't that surprise 'ol Granma),and perhaps a few trinkets or the like to give to Da. Maybe, if I'm lucky, I'll find a good ale or two. Not to mention some sweets.